Last night I heard a buzz
In my head
A hum, deep and resonant
Like music
Like waves
Like the wings on a hummingbird
A whirring
Like the motion of not moving
Or the restless linger of sitting still
Of trying to listen
Of trying to hear
The sound of not thinking
I heard a buzz
And rather than analyze
Rather than question
Rather than concoct or consider or fear
The likelihood of brain cancer
I let it ride
if I were a gentle blue whale
Moving through the ocean of myself
As if I were a bird
Flying too close to my own ear
As if I were human
Feeling, just feeling,
The sound.
Last night I heard a buzz
In my head
A tickly invitation
To swim free of past and future
To fly high within the here and now
To get lost in the wideness of this moment
Judging nothing
Wishing nothing
Missing nothing
Holding onto nothing
But the generosity
Of that hum
~ Cheryl Murfin
Chemical peel
I think my face will explode
With age
Or with the battery acid
That I paid to have
Smoothed on my face
Which seems
My cheeks burn
Is it shame, embarrassment
At the fast-reddening sunburn
Or just the fire
Of oldish skin being cauterized
Sloughing off into
My face, when it's smooth again,
Will tell
The story of my life
It's many happy years, and the harder ones too
But mostly, wrinkles resisted,
The easy tale
Of my vanity
Fall up
Cllimb up
Climb up
Onto the ledge
And, yes
Look down
Into the bottom
Of your fear
And fall
Fall down
Fall up
Just fall
And forget
That once you thought
That someone
Needed to catch you
Look down
Look down
Into that beautiful void
That crazy
Maybe only
Chance to be free
And fall
How can it be that your life today is diluted down to this
Drop, drop, drop
A thin, yellow liquid
A thick white one
And in the hardest moments
The times when we feel you slipping away
The deep maroon of donated life
Drop, drop, drop.
Falling in a line that zigs and zags among the sheets and blankets
Caught up in your tossing arms
A line from this precious color -
This red or yellow or white -
Into you
Precious child
Your life
Your aliveness
You living
You saved from what we most fear
Which is not you dead
But you without us
Life without you